The Traffic Advisory Committee (TAC) meets when necessary to evaluate resident requests as they relate to traffic concerns and possible changes in signage or traffic regulations.


Requests are only accepted in written form (letter or email) and addressed to the Mayor and City Council. The City Council then decides if the request is only for information or requires evaluation and referral to the TAC. If review is necessary Council will, by motion, receive and file the item and refer it to TAC.

TAC evaluates requests based on several criteria, including the following:

  • Traffic counts, speed, vehicle type, and overall volumes provided by staff and traffic data collectors
  • Vehicle and pedestrian accident rates provided by the Iowa DOT Saver website
  • Police investigations of actual traffic patterns
  • Site visibility and stopping distances based on engineering standards
  • Emergency vehicle, snow removal and garbage pickup accessibility
  • General public use versus individual owner needs
  • Input by the requester and the public.

TAC then uses the criteria to discuss, evaluate and provide a recommendation to City Council at a regular Council Meeting. The requester is notified of the date that the report recommendation will be presented, and provided a time to address City Council regarding the request. Once Council has acted on the request, notice is sent to the requester and appropriate action is taken by staff.


  1. Submit a petition with your detailed request. The request must meet the conditions of Correspondence Policy #5. It is recommend to have more  than the minimum quantity of signatures.
  2. Submit your request and petition, addressed to the Mayor and City Council, via email to Council@cityofmarion.org, or mail/drop off your request at City Hall, 1225 6th Avenue, Marion, IA 52302.
  3. The Petition is then received and filed by City Council and referred to TAC. If City Council feels no action is required, the process stops.
  4. TAC performs a traffic study generating a report with recommendations.
  5. Staff notifies the petitioners and affected property owners (i.e. for a no parking request, staff will notify citizens that live on that street) of the TAC recommendation and when it will be presented to City Council.
  6. Staff reports the findings back to City Council. There is a public comment period for the public.
  7. City Council then directs staff of action or non action. City Council does not always concur with TAC recommendations.
  8. When directed by Council, staff takes recommended action. Depending on the changes, funding may need to be allocated in future years.

Your petition should clearly state the request, including an approximate location, and shall include the printed name, address and phone number for each signor. Any document that includes all of this information is acceptable, or, you may use a petition template. Be sure to review Correspondence Policy #5, which states the minimum number of signatures required as it relates to your specific request.


Mike Barkalow
Public Works Director/City Engineer
Ph. 319-743-6340
Email Mike


 Member Title 
Mike Barkalow Public Works Director/City Engineer
Ryan Waller City Manager 
Mike Kitsmiller  Police Chief 
Mark Kjormoe  Police Sergeant
Tom Fagan Fire Chief 
Dave Hockett Principal Planner 
Jerry Whitson Police Sergeant 
Mike Cimprich  City Arborist